A recent paper published by Insilico Inc. shows that may we can fight aging using following top 10 geroprotectors. For more details check following paper
mostly ageing at cellular level is responsible for causing problems at organ system level. However, fighting ageing at cellular level by targeting single molecular pathway may not be sufficient enough due to complex dynamics in action that causes ageing to progress forward. Complexity of life can be unfolded by simplest molecules that causes an amplified effect in a bigger picture.
We know that cancer, Alzheimer's, cardiovascular problems and others are age related diseases that lead to problems. Pathways driven by proteins like m-TOR, sirtuins and others are been explored to fight ageing. Recently Insilico. Inc undertook a systematic studied on fundamental bio-molecules and their correlation with ageing. The paper can be downloaded from here.
The paper explains the development of a model based on 64,000 blood sample tests from human subjects. The model is based on 21 important blood test biomarkers that can be used for prediction ageing process in individuals. They have successfully identified five important biomarkers that play critical role in ageing.
i) Albumin
ii) Glucose
iii)Alkaline phosphatase
iv) Urea and
v) Erythrocytes
For common people they have availed a web portal called www.aging.ai where by providing the blood test results, the AI can predict the age of subject with surprising high accuracy. It clearly shows the advances in the computational biology towards developing deeper and complex correlations between disease and biomolecules. In Silico Inc. is currently making considerable effort in developing deep learning solutions in the field of regenerative medicine, embryonic development, cross species comparison and new drug discovery program.
Pharma.Ai is part of Insilico.Inc that is mainly responsible for use of deep neural networks in biomedical application. The group is currently working on two major projects of analyzing
a) Correlation between transcriptomic data and ageing
b) Deep learned multi-disease marker and classifier
c) Predictor of mechanism of action of multiple drugs based on multi-omics data
d) Blood chemistry based marker for human ageing (One of the milestone was published recently as discussed above).
Insilico Medicine will provide advanced signaling pathway activation analysis services to evaluate differential changes between healthy tissues and those affected by disease as well as comparing tissues of different ages. In addition to signaling pathway analysis, parties intend to develop artificially-intelligent comprehensive biomarkers of human aging based on large sample data sets.
There has been substantial boom in the field of artificial intelligence. It is important for people to understand that one can fight ageing with following perspectives:
a) Anti-ageing molecules/ Cosmetics and also with
b) Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Fighting ageing with AI/ i-robot is thought to increase by tenfolds in next five years. This may help in fighting cancer and come up with newer and better algorithms on cancer diagnosis or mapping the efficacy of chemo on your smart phones. Mapping ageing with face scanning or taking selfies was the first step of Insilico Inc. As a next step, they have launched new website; where by using simple blood test an AI on the backend can predict the age of subjects.
Please check here: It is a web portal that is scientifically tested and available for free usage. Moreover, it is developed with an aim of identifying markers that are responsible for ageing. People often discuss about food habits, drinking adequate amount of water, doing exercise and other activities for becoming healthy and fit. But does it really work? It certainly keeps human body fit and active but does it help in slowing the ageing process?
In order to answer such questions it is important to develop a correlation data between basic factors effecting ageing and dietary habits. However, to establish this relation only handful of information is available on the markers of ageing (for e.g. Telomeres, m-TOR, Sirtuins etc). Important thing to notice is that the "Blood" remains in contact with all the human tissues. This is an important material or matrix which carries common materials that are most essential to human cells and tissues with varied morphologies and activities. Hence, may be the answer to finding markers perhaps be hidden somewhere in this red fluid as shown by Insilico Inc. by launching algorithm that maps ageing based on blood test data.
In addition Aging.ai developed by Insilico Inc and RYNKL's wrinkle reading app (as discussed previously); Microsoft has also developed a new age mapping web portal for free that answers a most basic question "How Old Do I look?"
Even though we ponder on the question "Is ageing a disease?". Well, there is no "Official" answer to this question yet. But the data shows that people are so obsessed with ageing that it took just 7 days to reach around 50 million users for microsoft's fancy tool (as discussed in video). May be we don't need any official notification to testify that "Ageing is a disease".
Leaders like Microsoft, Insilco Inc, SENSE foundation and other organisations are constantly finding newer ways to fight ageing by learning about how ageing happens. Facial feature recognition AI by Microsoft and RYNKL may provide a fun time for people post their predicted age and post it on Facebook, Twitter or any other social media site. But apart from fun time this is concept of predicting ageing perhaps also be applied to predicting the occurrence of age related disease like cancer.
As you all must be knowing that researchers from Insilco Inc are constantly working to find newer ways to fight ageing. Researchers often study ageing at cellular and molecular level. The most obvious and prompt signature of ageing is "Face". People often use many skin care products such as powder, cream, lotions, face masks, anti-wrinkle creams etc. to prevent ageing.
It is astonishing that according to statista database global anti ageing market is increasing exponentially with time and it will be increasing to 154 million USD by 2021.
Figure 1: Skin Care Product Market
However, few important questions:
a) Does these products really work?
b) How should you quantitatively track the efficacy of the product you are applying?
c) Is it worth looking at your face for hours in mirror to find if the products work or not?
Interestingly, researchers have developed a new mobile app with an artificial intelligence that can quantitatively map ageing of your face. A team lead by Dr. Alex Zhavaronkov shows that it is possible to map ageing using this app. And see how the anti-ageing products are working over time.
The app is available for android users for free and can be downloaded on your android smart phones. For IOS users the app is going to be launched soon in February. Please register herefor your notification of the app once it is launched. It was pretty amazing app so I tried it by myself and check my score to find out how does it works in figures shown below.
Although the pic shows a pretty glamorous girl by app..I am a guy. We need to upload the selfies as per the instructions given by Dr. Zhavaronkov and map ageing based on wrinkles. My score shows as 5.0 that indicates that my skin is healthy and I am beautiful (fewer wrinkle lesser number). This app can even help people to see if their anti ageing product is working or not.
Moreover, Beauty.AI have updated their first list of winner based on age. The contest was judged by robot jury created by
a) RYNKL: Wrinkle Detector
b) MADIS: Model Alliance Digital Intelligence Scout
c) Symmetry: Master
Algorithm to Map Ageing
In addition to this app the Insilico Inc also launched a newly advanced algorithm to map ageing in humans by checking blood glucose and cholesterol levels. You can just feed in the data about your latest blood tests and AI will guess your age and sex. The AI is already trained for million samples. The algorithm can guess sex, without using hormone levels, with 99% accuracy, and guess your age within a ten-year window at least 60% accuracy using ten key measurements found in a standard blood test
Dr. Zhavoronkov says“We want robots to look at human lifespan as a game,” he said — a game that artificial intelligence can help us win.
And perhaps someday we will have better answers one the most sought after question: Is it possible to have long life? Or in other words Can we attain longevity? Although, there are important clues from nature about the long life For e.g. Hydra, Nake Mole Rat and others. We have examples like a Jeanne Louise Calment. She was the longest living human on earth. May be sometime in near future we will have answer to question of living longer life.
Jeanne Louise Calment
122 year old lady
But to face this problem of ageing we must know how to diagnose it. We need reliable methods by which we can carry out diagnosis of ageing.
Crazy thought...It is ironic that if ageing is never been classified as disease then why do we need to diagnosis it?
Moving towards an important idea of diagnosis of human ageing. A recent paper published by group of scientists in Genome Biology Journal developed a unique transcriptomic method for diagnosis of human ageing. The published article is open access please click here.
Paper claims to find a new method using statistically robust multi-tissue RNA signature from peripheral blood samples of human subject's healthy ageing that can be use for diagnosis of future health.
"Figure: 1 Development,
validation and clinical application of ageing diagnostic. Overview of the
selection process and use of RNA probe-sets for the development and validation
of the healthy physiological age classifier. We identified useful probe-sets
from a possible starting number of ~54,000 during step one [e.g. probe-sets
with leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) performance ≥ 90 %]. We then
evaluated the performance of the top-ranked 150 probe-sets in a number of
independent muscle, brain, and skin samples, demonstrating that the signature
was diagnostic for age. We then applied the 150-probe-set healthy ageing
signature to several clinical studies, as illustrated at the end of the
workflow. Key features included discarding the training data set immediately
after selecting the 150 probe-sets and relying on LOOCV and full external
validation processes"
There is no commercial method available for diagnosis of human ageing. But may be this paper will provide an important step in the field of diagnosis of human ageing.